Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption (BI) Insurance is one of the most misunderstood - and therefore often overlooked - business insurance policies.

That's largely because many business owners mistakenly believe that other insurances such as stand-alone buildings and contents policies will take care of everything if their operations are interrupted by events such as break-ins, floods or fires.

However, while buildings and contents policies will usually put the initial damage right eventually, they make no allowance for the consequential financial losses your business will sustain in what can often be a long term interruption in your trading. In fact, for many businesses without BI cover, an event that starts with business interruption can often lead to a business termination.

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As an insurance broker we are good at the unusual, the complex and the specialist. We take the time and effort to get it right for you and your business.

Roxburgh Group Insurance - advice and service you can rely on.

With regards

Graeme Elliot

Graeme Elliot